We’ve made it a tradition to take family pictures every year. Putting together fall and holiday family photo outfits is always a lot of fun for me! I’ve shared the past few years here.
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When I came up with the idea to take our family pictures every year, I originally thought they’d make great Christmas cards. We’re a few years in and I still have yet to do that…but hey, we’ve had little kids every single year (and we have a new baby this year!) so we’ve been a little busy! I don’t think things will slow down any time soon, but perhaps one day we’ll start to use them for Christmas cards. And if not, that’s OK! I still love having them to look back on how our babies have grown and changed – we honestly will treasure the photos forever. They make great framed artwork for your house, too!
You can see past family photo outfits here:
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Are you putting together fall and holiday family photo outfits this year? If so, I hope this post inspires you! You can also see our previous years photos here (for even more outfit inspiration!).

OK so first things first…let’s talk a little about the “method to my madness” when it comes to putting together cohesive outfits for family pictures. I want them to go together but not match, you know? And it can be tricky to know where to start!
First, pick the “vibe” you’re going for. Do you want to be more dressed up or more casual? In years past, I have chosen outfits that were a little dressier….but this year I wanted to go a little more on the casual side. I’d just had a baby two weeks prior and honestly it was about all I could muster, to be honest! ;) But I was also excited to do some pictures that were more casual since that wasn’t what I had done previously.
See our other family photos here.
I always begin with either mine or Ruby’s (and now Charlotte’s!) outfits. For some reason, it feels easier to put together outfits for the boys…probably because half of the time they already own part of what they’ll wear (khakis or jeans, typically). BUT if it makes more sense for you to start with your guys and then build off of their outfits, then you do you! Just pick the person/outfit that feels like it might be most “tricky” to build upon, find their outfit, and go from there.

This year, I happened to find Ruby and Charlotte’s matching (!!) dresses first, so that’s where I started! They were a light pink + maroon, so I chose some maroon tights (for Ruby) and leggings (for Charlotte).

I ordered a pack of several different colored velvet bows for Ruby, too, since I wasn’t exactly sure what color I wanted to go with. I ended up picking the mustard colored one and looove how it looked!

I found my smocked dress next. I liked that the color was a warm tone and paired well with the girls pink dresses.

Henry’s outfit was up next and I’m not going to lie…this is the one that ended up being the MOST difficult to find! I definitely didn’t expect that, so it threw me for a bit of a loop. Going from store to store with a newborn in tow isn’t exactly easy, so my mom ended up finding his outfit and delivering it to me – aren’t moms the best?! I told her the general colors I was going with so far (maroon, pink, and a burnt orange) and she found something that looked perfect with them.
*I can’t find the exact shirt Henry wore online, so I’m linking a similar one!
Buy similar boys boots here or here

And last but not least – we picked Brandon’s outfit! Henry’s shirt had some navy blue lines in it, and I wanted something that would contrast my dress a little more so we went with a navy shirt for him. I love that it draws out the blue in Henry’s shirt and complements the warm colors of the girls outfits!

Brandon’s shirt is from last year, but I found one that looks similar! You can find it here.

I hope you enjoyed this fall and holiday family photo outfits blog post!
You can see previous years photos (and outfit inspiration) here.
Photography is all by the awesome Hayden Ward Photography
I hope you’ll check out some of my other posts while you’re here, too!
See my DIY projects and inspiration [here]
Check out a home tour [here]