Surprise! We bought a house!

There was a slight (lol) change of plans – remember when I said we were selling our home on Shady Lane and building a brand new one? Well, that was true. Until it wasn’t.
See a tour of our last home [here]
See a little sneak peek of the home we were going to build [here]
We sold our fixer-upper and moved into Brandon’s mom and dad’s house while we were working on designing floorplans for our new home. We purchased a lot, finished the plans, and everything was rolling along…until we had some issues with the city allowing us to position the house on our lot the way we wanted it to. We ran into a few more snags, and, to keep a long story short, we decided that it just wasn’t a good fit for us.
That same week, we went to see a house I saw online…and we didn’t love it. It needed a ton of work, and honestly we just didn’t want to do that again.
The very next day, I found a house that had been listed for one day. I called Brandon and told him I knew it was our house, we met our realtor there a few hours later, and put an offer in immediately. It all happened really quickly – but there was another (higher) offer on the table.
I was SURE we weren’t going to get the house…but somehow, we did. It took two months (and a LOT of negotiating and headaches), but we finally closed about a week ago!
We have slowly been moving our belongings in this past week, but I thought I’d share a little “before” video tour here! We honestly aren’t planning on doing a ton of work to the house – it doesn’t need much. We will do some painting, maybe a floor makeover or two, and of course decorating.
Anyway – I’ll get to the thing you’re actually here to see now. ;) Here’s a little tour of what our home looks like (the week we moved in!). I can’t wait to update you as I design and change up each room!
I hope you enjoyed the tour! Can’t wait to show you what we do with the space!
[…] shared a few weeks ago that we bought a new house – you can see a video tour of it [here]. I haven’t shared more about it (other than that video tour) on the blog, but I’ve […]