When Henry was a newborn, we stocked up on bibs for him. They were those traditional, rounded ones that you see everywhere – and while they were cute for when he was a newborn, they weren’t quite cutting it at 10 months old. I had been looking everywhere for stylish, functional bibs that he couldn’t rip off immediately after I put them on. But I wasn’t having much luck.
So when HappyBebe offered to send me some of their bibs to try out, I took one look at the bibs and gave them a big “heck yes please!”
(If you’re here just for the giveaway, scroll down! There’s also a 10% discount code if you want to just go ahead and order some!)
First things first, they are cute. Seriously though, every time I put one of these on Hank, we get compliments from strangers about how cute they are. They come in a variety of fabric styles, too, so there’s something to match all of your baby’s outfits.
Plus, they’re suuuper soft. Since it’s a bandana style, I was a little worried about the fabric rubbing on Henry’s neck and irritating his delicate baby skin, but that doesn’t happen. Both the front and back are s.o.f.t!
Some other great things about them: they’re secured in back by a clasp that isn’t velcro (Hank can seriously rip off a velcro bib in about 2.5 seconds). Translation: they stay on!! In addition, they wash well. You know I had to do a wash-test before posting about these bibs because hello…I don’t have time to hand wash things these days. I threw them in the washing machine, dried them and…drumroll…they came out great!
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen the HappyBebe giveaway I posted about. Head over there for directions to enter. It’s really simple, I promise! The giveaway ends on 9.16.16 – that’s just a few days from now!
In addition, Happybebe is offering my readers a 10% discount on all Happybebe products on Amazon. Just use code MYBEBE10 to get that! You can find their products here: http://bit.ly/myhappyproducts
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AND, could that Henry be any cuter?? ❤️